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Importance of Using Industrial LED Warning Lights

A safe working environment prevents frequent occurrences of accidents, avoids injuries and deaths, minimizes downtime, reduces financial loss, and improves employee retention. Therefore, it can be said that a safe workplace is indeed a productive workplace. Several policies and procedures are implemented to achieve a high level of safety, first and foremost, for the welfare of workers. One of these is OSHA’s requirement for remotely operated overhead cranes to have audible or visual warning devices.

Overhead Crane Red Spot Warning Light

Orion Auto Lighting Co., LTD. offers several designs of LED warning lights for overhead cranes and other machines.  Using a standard snap-on lens cover that comes upon purchase, light, in the form of a spot, turns into a line on the floor. Because of this, the use of four lights with standard snap-on lens covers to create a box for a better frame of reference of load movement is possible. These LED warning lights come in red and blue colors that can also be used in combination to enhance visual warning.

Overhead Crane Blue Line Warning Light

We, at Orion Auto Lighting Co., LTD., are highly motivated to bring you innovative safety lights to a wide variety of machines at competitive prices.

Discussed further below are the contributing factors of using industrial LED warning lights to the improvement of safety.

Effective Visual Warning to Workers and Pedestrians

LED warning lights provide signals to workers and pedestrians of the proximity of a working overhead crane around them. As the strong light beams projected on the floor are easy to recognize, the persons nearby the moving equipment can evaluate the dimensions and distance of the load. As a result, it would be easier and safer to move around. Furthermore, serious accidents caused by passing obliviously under a suspended load could also be prevented.

Supplementary to Audible Alarms

In loud industrial settings where multiple lifts and cranes are working simultaneously, audible alarms tend to be drowned out, thus increasing the risk of serious accidents. Also, workers with prolonged exposure to that high level of noise get used to the sound and unconsciously ignore the alarm. LED warning lights provide an additional alert to workers and pedestrians close to the area of danger.

Better Operator Control of Loads

Box Projected by Four Red Warning Lights with Standard Snap-on Lens Cover

Projected spot, line, or box on the floor by LED warning lights gives operators a new frame of reference to position loads precisely and with better stability. Crane operators no longer need to take their eyes off the hook or load to determine if the trolley is centered. LED warning lights allow operators to place loads in the exact position especially in crowded areas where inappropriate unloading could impede the mobility of workers.

Reduced Human Error

The majority of overhead crane accidents are caused by an error of the operator or a pedestrian. Crane operators fail to notice workers around the danger zone as they focus on the load they are handling. The same situation happens with workers who overlook the approaching moving load while concentrating on their job at hand. LED warning lights are turned on automatically when the overhead crane is connected to a power source. In addition to that, LED lights are energy-efficient and require little to no maintenance, thus ensuring continuous safer operations. With the use of LED warning lights, definitive signals are provided in the working area.

Adapting the use of LED warning lights in your workplace increases the safety of your employees around moving equipment hazards. Moreover, it prevents property damages and ensures seamless operations. With that, fewer occupational health costs and higher savings will be achieved.

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