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New tech-Clear your indoor air

Covid-19 spreads and become a pandemic. Believe it greatly effect your business.

We cooperate with one experience engineer team and found below fact.

Nowadays, UV LED+Photocatalyst is an emerging and encouraging technology for indoor air purification and decontamination using TiO2 as a catalyst under the illumination of UV LED.

With the technology, all carbon-based organic matter, including bacteria, viruses, smoke, formaldehyde, pollen, mites...(RNA & DNA materials) can be oxidized into CO2 and H2O.

Especially, most people spend more than 80% of their time in closed environments like modern office buildings, hotels, schools, and especially at home, while  indoor pollution is becoming a serious air-quality problem. 

Therefore, UV LED+Photocatalyst technology is becoming a popular sterilization solution.

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